
  1. How Covid-19 is affecting our meat eating habits


    How Covid-19 is affecting our meat eating habits

    The national lockdown has brought sweeping and dramatic changes to everybody’s lives - the most draconian that many of us have ever experienced. This has...
  2. Choosing the best meat for your Christmas dinner


    Choosing the best meat for your Christmas dinner

    ‘Tis the season to start sharpening your knives and preparing your butcher shop for the Christmas rush! You’ll likely have already started planning your seasonal...
  3. How-to select the best cuts for a meat pie


    How-to select the best cuts for a meat pie

    Meat pies are a staple food in the North of England particularly in the harvest months where you might even be lucky enough to find...
  4. How to help your customers choose the best steak


    How to help your customers choose the best steak

    When it comes to choosing the best steak, not every customer knows exactly what they want. That’s one of the key reasons they’ll be at...
  5. Are burger presses really worth it?


    Are burger presses really worth it?

    Burgers, hot dogs and food like them tend to see their heaviest consumption in the sunny barbecue weather of our summer months, but don't write...
  6. 04/07/2016

    Cooking delicious food 4th July style

    In America thousands of people will be preparing spectacular dishes to serve for the 4th July celebrations. There are plenty of tasty recipes that are...
  7. 09/06/2016

    How to throw a great summer BBQ

    Despite the fact the British summer is short and sweet the British people know how to celebrate it when it does come around. If you...
  8. 06/06/2016

    Cheesy mince pasta bake dish students should try

    If you are considering going to university this year and have already decided what course and university you are going for, chances are you are...
  9. 29/04/2016

    The History Of The Hamburger

    When you ask people what they think of when you mention American cuisine, the most popular answer in the hamburger. It has now become a highly popular dish in its own right in Britain. But what is the history of this food icon? The first mention of a burger in history is in the time of Genghis Khan and his Mongol riders, the Golden Horde as they conquered village after village across Asia. The riders stashed the raw meat under their saddles before riding. After they had ridden each day, the pounded meat would be tender enough to eat raw. So the Golden Horde conquered Asia by eating hamburgers. The next evolution of the hamburger in history didn’t come until around five hundred years later. In the book The art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse names the prototype for the hamburger the Hamburg Sausage. The recipe says the minced beef be seasoned with suet, pepper, gloves, nutmeg, garlic, wine vinegar, bay salt, red wine and rum. The Hamburg Sausage should then be smoked in the chimney for a week before being eaten. Continue reading →
  10. 15/03/2016

    Easter Meals For The Family

      Easter is only a few weeks away and that long Bank Holiday weekend is a chance to spend it with your family, eating glorious food. Here are just a couple suggested meals you could try to spoil your family and friends with. Slow cooked Greek roast lamb First why not try this delicious Greek Lamb slowly cooked to roast. Start with a 2 ½ kg leg of lamb, a kg of Cypriot potatoes, 140g of Greek Kalkidis and three lemons cut into quarters. Continue reading →

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