1. An overview of the anatomy of a butcher’s knife


    An overview of the anatomy of a butcher’s knife

    For one of the oldest tools known to man, the modern knife has a surprising level of complexity to its construction. Getting the best results...
  2. Our comprehensive guide to boning knives for butchery


    Our comprehensive guide to boning knives for butchery

    If you’re a professional butcher, you may well have already heard the question: ‘do you actually need a boning knife?’ Obviously, it’s not a question...
  3. Do you really need chainmail gloves for butchery?


    Do you really need chainmail gloves for butchery?

    In many ways, modern chainmail gloves are surprisingly similar to their historical counterparts. Knights in the Middle Ages used them to protect themselves from punctures...
  4. Stay at the cutting edge with the 5 best butcher’s knives


    Stay at the cutting edge with the 5 best butcher’s knives

    If you want to get the task done quickly, effectively and efficiently, it’s vital to have the right tool on hand for the job. That’s a great...
  5. Quick guide to buying the best butcher’s bandsaws


    Quick guide to buying the best butcher’s bandsaws

    For centuries, butchers have always used their trusty butcher’s knives to prepare meat for cooking. Today though, the invention of the butcher’s bandsaws enables us...
  6. Cut down on waste with seam butchery


    Cut down on waste with seam butchery

    Butchers all over the world each have their own preferred techniques for cutting meat. Often, it depends on the exact nature of their job –...
  7. 5 essential knife skills every butcher should know


    5 essential knife skills every butcher should know

    To the untrained observer, cutting meat is one of those skills that seems so simple that anyone could do it. But then, that’s the beauty...
  8. A butcher’s guide to different pork cuts


    A butcher’s guide to different pork cuts

    We’ve been farming pigs for almost all of recorded human history, which is plenty of time for humans to understand every available part of a...
  9. 29/07/2016

    How to maintain your fridge and store food

    If you regularly stock your fridge with leftovers, fresh fruit, meat and vegetables you will already know that keeping on top of your fridge content...
  10. 04/07/2016

    Cooking delicious food 4th July style

    In America thousands of people will be preparing spectacular dishes to serve for the 4th July celebrations. There are plenty of tasty recipes that are...